Poetry has the power to bring people together.

Poems open eyes and minds, provide comfort and a sense of belonging, and promote self-discovery. My joy—as a reader, writer, and teacher—is sharing my enthusiasm for poetry with others. With degrees in theater and training/development, I love to partner with educators to deliver customized, interactive creative workshops for students of all ages. I've visited classrooms, summer camps, club meetings, and even a residential facility for incarcerated youth.

Some examples of my past workshops include:

Let me help enhance your curriculum with an engaging in-person or online poetry workshop! I look forward to meeting your needs. See my about page for contact information.

Sample poems by workshop students

The Place

The place is everywhere

The place is everything you want

The place has meadows and flowers

The place has thoughts in the air

The place is soft but heavy with weight

The place is smart and creative

The place is like no other

The place thinks about everything

The place is your mind and imagination

Group Pocket Poem

– after Calef Brown

I have a jacket,

a jacket made of pockets

In pocket #8

I have a bottle of water

to stay alive on Jupiter

In pocket #553

I have a food machine

so we don’t starve on Jupiter

In pocket #1000

I have a map

so I can find my way back home

Water Poem

Water is a word that flows.

It is unconfined and



glimmers in the sunset

and pitter-patters on the window.

It is silk, it is gentle.

It sprinkles down from trees

And are droplets on


But it can be


in the flash of a storm.


The sloth is a prince of the trees,

lazing away as he naps in the leaves.

He's slow and relaxed as he smiles and snacks,

climbs up the branches with both of his hands,

but he doesn't get far at all.

O Bicho-preguiça é um príncipe das árvores,

preguiçando durante ele durma nas folhas.

Ele é lento e relaxado enquento ele sorri e come,

sobe os galhos com duas mãos deles,

mas não vai longo absolutamente.

My feeling

There is a lot of things I want to be

but the things people say is really killing me, changing

me. I don't know who I am. I feel like I'm just

left in the sand. I try, stop, cry, sometimes I feel like

I just need to die, but that is not always right. I

need love, and care not to be scared. I need to

stand my ground, not flee, but turn the negative to

nothing and the positive to me.

I am a amazing astroid

I see movment of the other astroids

I hear the whistles of astroids going by me

I smell the dust whirling around me

I taste dust

I worry my life will never end

I hope my life will end

I want to go faster

I pretend I can go faster

I understand I cant go faster

I am a amazing astroid